After graduating from Universidad Iberoamericana as a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer in Mexico City, I started my professional career as a Field Engineer at General Electric. I was the pioneer commissioner and field engineer for the smart lighting product development in the Latin America region. After 5 years, the GE Current smart controls and energy management software grew significantly and I ended up as the team leader for the global commissioning and tech-support team.

Then in 2021, I shifted my career to become the team manager and navigator of a racing sailboat to cross the Pacific. This incredible ocean crossing not only transformed my life but also intensified my passion to pursue a Master’s degree in Environmental Data Science at the renowned Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at UC Santa Barbara.

As an individual, I embody energy and proactiveness, and now, as an Environmental Data Scientist, my vision is to empower cutting-edge technology companies by enhancing their data collection and analysis practices, enabling them to derive actionable insights and make a positive impact on the environment. My main passion and career vision is to actively contribute and empower solutions that make a positive impact. This involves engaging in nature-based approaches such as GHG accounting, monitoring carbon stock changes, promoting mangrove restoration and conservation for blue carbon initiatives, and studying the relationships between coastal ecosystems like mangroves, coral reefs, kelp forests and marine protected areas (MPAs) in addressing climate change and its effects.

As Sylvia Earle once said; “The ocean is in trouble, but together, we can turn the tide. We have a choice: to be the generation that destroys the ocean or the generation that saves it. Let’s choose wisely.”

Image: Coral Farming. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji